Privacy Summary

At Swiftqueue we take processing your data very seriously and we are fully committed to keeping your information private.

We process your personal information on behalf of clinics to allow you to book your appointments either online, via the call centre or as a walk-In patient. We only ask for information that the clinic needs to process that appointment and we never share your data with third parties. Our processes are in line with GDPR guidelines and the latest data protection legislation.

Please take time to read this carefully. If you are under 16 years of age, please read this summary with a parent or guardian so that you both fully understand it.

Throughout this document the use of ‘us’, ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘ours’ refers to Swiftqueue Technologies Ltd (Swiftqueue). Swiftqueue is an enterprise scheduling platform providing appointment management solutions to healthcare facilities.

Swiftqueue collects the following information (or a subset of this information if booked using the call centre or Walk In service)

  • Firstname
  • Surname
  • Mobile
  • Email
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Address
  • Postcode (only in UK)
  • NHS Number
  • GP Details (depending on appointment type)
  • Screening Group (depending on appointment type)

Some of this data is optional e.g. Postcode and NHS Number are optional fields but can assist the clinics in identifying you as a patient.

We collect information: (i) you give us (ii) information from your use of our website or service (iii) information provided to call centres using our application (iv) information provided to us by our healthcare customers and (v) information you might provide as a walk in patient.

We use your data where:

  • use is necessary in relation to the service we provide for the healthcare facilities we work with or because you have asked for something to be done in order to fulfil the service we provide
  • you have agreed to receive electronic communications from us for confirmation or reminder of appointments, resetting passwords, activating your account or any support assistance you require
  • we need to communicate with you about your appointment or registration. You will be able to control and configure your communication preferences by contacting support or logging into your Swiftqueue patient portal

We use anonymised data to build up statistics on how clinics are performing and how we can improve efficiencies across the network. We do not use any person specific information in this process. For example we check number of appointments booked in certain areas to get a picture of capacity and demand or when appointments are booked and when appointments are required.

We only share your information with

  • the healthcare clinic that you are booking an appointment for
  • our trusted email and sms service provider to send you communications

How long we hold your information is subject to the data retention policy of the healthcare clinic you have made a booking for. Notwithstanding that, we only hold information for as long as it is required. This data is then either destroyed or anonymised complete where no personal information is left on that record.

When determining the relevant retention period we will take into account the following factors (but not limited to the list below):

  • our contractual obligations and rights in relation to the information provided
  • legal obligation(s) under applicable law to retain data for a certain period of time
  • statute of limitations under applicable law(s)
  • if you have requested Swiftqueue to remove your details or account information
  • adherence with relevant data protection authorities

We follow strict security procedures in the storage and disclosure of your personal information and to protect it against accidental loss, destruction or damage. The data that you provide to us is protected using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology. SSL is the industry standard method of encrypting personal information transmitted over the web.

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) to oversee compliance with this policy. If you have any questions about this policy or how we handle your personal information, please contact the DPO at

As a patient you can opt out of Swiftqueue in a number of ways depending on what is required:

  • If you would like to opt out of any notifications that Swiftqueue send you you can do this within the patient portal under Notification Preference. You can select what types of notification you want to receive or which ones you want to turn off
  • if you would like to request that your account is deleted or removed from our platform this can be requested in the patient portal under Edit Profile.

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time and any changes to the statement will be communicated to you by way of an e-mail or a notice on our website.

[Last updated 14th February 2025]